A Quick and Simple Guide to The Importance of Site Wind Speed |
This edition offers a detailed guide on the characteristics of wind pressure on a structure and how its elements are specific to that structure.
Brace Yourself, a Guide to Seismic Design, Walls & Solutions |
This edition covers seismic design in internal wall systems, Rondo's seismic solutions and an easy to follow installation guide.
Installing KEY-LOCK® Concealed Suspended Ceilings in Seismic Applications |
This edition offers a detailed guide on the characteristics of seismic solutions for our KEY-LOCK® Concealed Suspended Ceiling System.
Helpful Guide on Internal Design Pressures and Why They Are Important for Compliance |
This edition offers a detailed guide outlines the requirements when designing steel-framed walls and ceilings in apartment and commercial buildings.
Helpful Guide on How to Prepare and be Compliant with the Revised Fastener Standard |
This edition offers an easy to understand and helpful guide on how to prepare and be compliant with the revised fastener standard.
A Useful and Informative Guide on Compliance Requirements for Non-Structural Internal Partition Walls |
This edition offers an easy-to-understand and helpful guide on compliance requirements for non-structural Internal walls.
Generic Versus Customised Wall Design: How it Affects Your Projects' Compliance and Efficiencies |
In this edition find out:
The difference between generic and customised wall designs, how each type of design service affects your responsibilities for compliance, and whether or not further work is required by you to ensure compliance
In an included case study, we compare two designs (generic vs customised) that were completed for a multi-residential project currently under construction in Australia, outlining critical differences, and each designs' impact on compliance to the National Construction Code.
How Steel Stud Quality Affects Your Construction Project Success |
With more and more light gauge steel products hitting the market in Australia, it is important to know how to spot inferior products, especially those that are imported from overseas.